The Unofficial Comprehensive Dr. Gene Scott Master Tape Database & List Of Lists
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Those shown in color are items in the author's personal collection. If you have additional items that you would make available, please contact me via email.

DN # Tape # Date Description Pgs. Exists
1 S-3858 12/10/1992 Principalities - Greek: archas "Rulers" 2 X
2 S-3860 12/15/1992 Unworthily - Greek:  vs. anaxios (unworthily vs. unworthy) - Spanish Translation, with Communion 1 X
3 S-3864 12/23/1992 More notes on Unworthily - French & Spanish Translation 2 X
4 S-3866 12/29/1992 Wrestle - Greek: pa'le 1 X
5 S-3867 12/30/1992 Principalities / Rulers - With whom we wrestle. Plus a footnote to DocNote 1 1 X
6 S-3869 1/3/1993 Powers - Greek: exousia "Authorities" 4 X
7 S-3870 1/5/1993 More on exousia and our Power in God 2 X
8 S-3871 1/7/1993 Rulers - Greek: kosmokratoras "world rulers" 1 X
9 S-3873 1/12/1993 More notes on Unworthily - the Japanese translation, with Communion 6 X
10 S-3875 1/15/1993 More notes on Unworthily - Dutch & German Translation and Communion 3 X
11 S-3877 1/19/1993 Chosen - Greek exelexato - "He chose us for Himself" - the Greek middle voice 2 X
12 S-3879, VF-832 1/24/1993 Deliver - Greek errusato - "He delivered us for Himself." with Portuguese & Spanish translations, plus Communion 3 X
12 S-3880 1/24/1993 Deliver - (continued) A bridge betweens Ephesians and Colossians   X
13 S-3883 1/31/1993 Shew - Greek: endikenoomee - "to show forth in the ages to come." More on the middle voice, and a glimpse of Ages (Greek: aeons).   They are Personal and Living 30 X
13 S-3886 2/9/1993 Ages - Greek: aeons - some Church History & Heresy   X
13 S-3887 2/10/1993 Ages (continued). More history (Valentinus) and some Greek rules. A Collector's Piece   X
14 S-3888 2/11/1993 Blessed - Hebrew: eh-sher. Psalm 84.  God is Center Stage.  Plus a glimpse of the words for "Strength" 4 X
15 S-3890 2/14/1993 Weeping - Hebrew: baca - Psalm 84 "Valley of Weeping."  English & Spanish 2 X
16 S-3897 2/25/1993 Strength - Hebrew: oze & khayil - Psalm 84 with Spanish 6 X
17 S-3900 3/3/1993 Hosts - Hebrew: Tsaw-baw. "The Lord of Hosts" - Psalm 84 5 X
17 S-3901 3/4/1993 Hosts - (and DocNote 17) continued, plus more on Strength (oze & khayil)   X
18 S-3904 3/11/1993 More Words from Psalm 84 - Behold, God, Shield, Face and Anointed (Hebrew: Mashiyach).  The roots for "Messiah" and "Saint" 4 X
18 S-3905 3/14/1993 Anointed - (and DocNote 18) continued   X
19 S-3908 3/21/1993 More on Anointed - Messiahship 4 X
19 S-3909 3/23/1993 He "Messiahs" Us for Himself; Messiahship   X
19 S-3910 3/25/1993 Messiahship & Obedience   X
19 S-3911 3/28/1993 Messiahship & Suffering - Counting for God costs you something.   X
20 S-3912,S-3913 4/1/1993 Further development on Messiahship - "Touch Not Mine Anointed".  History of the word Messiah. 6 X
20 S-3917 4/8/1993 "Pilgrim's Progress," and a continuation on DocNote 20: Messiahship.   X
21 S-3914 4/4/1993 Messiah has a wider application to God's people. Not limited to just "The Christ" 3 X
22 S-3920 4/13/1993 Dispensation - Greek: oikonomia - "stewardship"  Our Responsibilities and Placement in the Body of Christ 4 X
23 S-3921 4/15/1993 Stewardship - Bridge From Messiahship to Stewardship.  "To Hold" (possession) 3 X
24 S-3929 4/28/1993 Steward - Hebrew: meh-shek "To Hold, Possession"  and the LXX translation (Greek): mesek 1 X
25 S-3923 4/18/1993 Stewardship - A study in the textual word. "Dispensation," "Fellowship," and "Godly Edification." A look at the TEXTUS RECEPTUS and the singular usage of the word "meh-shek." 9 X
26 S-3930 4/29/1993 Stewardship - A study in the textual word (continued). The foundation of this ministry. 7 X
27 S-3936 5/20/1993 Stewardship - with copies from the First Printed Greek Bible, 1518 AD 7 X
28.1 S-3937 5/23/1993 FIGHT the Good Fight of Faith And Lay Hold on Eternal Life - A look at each word via Strong's Concordance 1 X
28.2 S-3937 5/23/1993 FIGHT the Good Fight of Faith And Lay Hold on Eternal Life - A look at each word via Strong's Concordance 1 X
28.3 S-3937 5/23/1993 FIGHT the Good Fight of Faith And Lay Hold on Eternal Life - A look at each word via Strong's Concordance 1 X
28.4 S-3937 5/23/1993 FIGHT the Good Fight of Faith And Lay Hold on Eternal Life - A look at each word via Strong's Concordance 1 X
29 S-3939 6/6/1993 Valour - Hebrew: n. ghib-bore "The Lord, the One who is mighty in Valour; Correction of KJV Translation 2 X
30 S-3940 6/8/1993 David's Shepherding Ministry. A look at nine words 4 X
31 S-3941 6/10/1993 Isa. 53:4 - Four Critical Words. 2 X
32 S-3943 6/17/1993 The LORD - JEHOVAH. 3 X
33 S-3946 7/16/1993 The Brazen Altar and its primary feature: Brass (Hebrew: nekh-o-sheth) ref. Exodus 27:1.  Also Communion from the Tabernacle's Outer Court    
34 S-3955 8/11/1993 The Tabernacle & Its Furnishings    
35 S-3956 8/13/1993 The High Priest and His Garments - Plus Communion through their meaning.    
36 S-3959 8/18/1993 Violence - Greek: bee-ad'-zo. "The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." 4 X
37 S-3965 8/25/1993 Fight the good Fight - Greek: ag-o-nid'-zom-ahee & agone' - "Agonize the good Agony" 5 X
38 S-3976, S-3977 9/28/1993 The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians - from The Pulpit Commentary    
38 S-4020 12/14/1993 Giving - THE BURNT OFFERING - The Occasion of the letter.    
39 S-3989 10/27/1993 Slaves - Greek: dou-los - 118 Times in The New Testament    
39 S-3993 11/3/1993 Slaves of Christ - (cont.) New Testament occurrences of douloi.   Philippians: Paul's "Joy Letter"    
39 S-3994 11/4/1993 Paul's Doxology to Christianity about Giving. DocNote 39 continued    
40 S-4002, S-4003 11/18/1993 Salvation - Greek: soterian   Hebrew: yesh-oo'-ah (From Philippians and Job).   "This too will turn to my salvation"    
41 S-4025 12/23/1993 Key Words in the 1st chapter of Philippians    
42 S-4029 12/29/1993 Giving - Share all Good Things    
43 S-4033 1/5/1994 "He thought it not robbery to be equal with God". Phil. 2:6 - Breaking down the verse in the Greek    
44 S-4036 1/9/1994 Form, Likeness and Fashion - Greek: morphe, homoiomati and schemati - Phil. 2:6-8    
44 S-4037 1/11/1994 Metamorphos - "Not my will but Thine."   "Minding" as Christ minded.  DocNote 44 (continued).    
45 VF-882 1/16/1994 You hath He Quickened - Ephesians 2:1    
46 S-4068 3/3/1994 The Promises I - 1, 2 and 3: The Birthright Promises to Abraham - Of a great Nation, Land & Population    
47 S-4088 4/7/1994 The Promises II - 4, 5: Many Kings & Many Nations    
48 S-4094, S-4095 4/19/1994 Sweet Savor Offering - Philippians 4:18    
49 S-4096 4/21/1994 Burnt Offering - Philippians 4:18 & Leviticus 1:17 (LXX)    
50 S-4104 5/4/1994 The Promises III - #6 "Thy seed shall possess the gates of thine enemies." Plus promises 7-16    
50 S-4116, S-4117 5/22/& 5/24/94 The Promise IV - (#7 continued) "In Thy Seed Shall The Nations Be Blessed." The Importance of Abraham's (and your) Decision    
51 S-4111 5/18/1994 Are You With Me, Or Will You Also Go?    
52 S-4149 8/3/1994 The Promises V - Background In Genesis, Timelines of The Patriarchs with Promises #17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21a    
53 S-4171 9/7/1994 Worthy - Greek: peripateesai "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord"    
54 S-4174 9/12/1994 Strength - Greek: dunamis, kratos, and ischuros. Col. 1:11 Be Empowered according to the Mighty Power residing in Christ    
55 S-4197 10/25/1994 The Promises VI - Tracing the line of promise from David.    
56 S-4212 11/17/1994 Pyramid Note 1 - A Study of the Inner Passages, MAN'S MONUMENT TO MAN, by Tom Valentine    
57 S-4236 12/28/1994 Pyramid Note 2 - A Study of the Subterranean Chamber, Descending Passage & the Air Chambers of King's & Queen's Chambers   X
58 S-4451 9/11/1996 "Safety Data Sheet"    
59 S-4507, S-4508 3/28/& 4/1/97 Listen and Watch Live - WE ARE ON THE INTERNET 24 HOURS A DAY - AUDIO & VIDEO!! DocNet Logon Instructions, plus addendum    
60 S-4550 5/1/1998 Romans 1    
61 S-4551 5/15/1998 Romans 1:1-7    
62 S-4558 7/19/1998 Tischendorf New Testament    
63 S-4582 3/28/1999 Romans - The three great Uncial manuscripts: Siniaticus, Vaticanus, Alexandrinus    
64 VF-1166 7/4/1999 Romans 1:3    
65 VF-1224 8/27/2000 Romans 1:17; Habakuk 2:4